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Acacia concinna Ø

The leaves and pods are used treat cuts, wounds and oral diseases due to its astringent property. Leaves of shikakai

BM 51

DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041880826 Composition: Berb VulgD3+30C, Carduus MarD2+20C, ChionanthusD2+20C, ChelidoniumD2+20C, HydrastisD2+20C, KalmeghD1+10C, MyricaD10+100C,PodophylumD6+60C Specific Indication: Hepatitis (Inflammation of the

Chelone Glabra Ø

Chelone is considered a tonic because of the way it benefits the disorders of the digestive organs, liver caused by

Digitalis Purpurea Ø

Heart remedy. Weakness and dilation of the myocardium. Auricular fibrillation. Hypertrophy of the liver. Great weakness. Anxious about future. Tenderness


Composition: BoldoD3, ChelidoniumD2, Fel TauriD2, Silybum MarianumD2, TaraxacumD3 General Indication: May help in the symptoms of functional hyperbilirubinaemia and post