Showing all 11 results

Anacardium Orientale Ø

Antidote to poison oak and ivy. Sensation of plug. Eating temporarily relieves all discomfort. Nervous exhaustion from over study. Contraction

Asafoetida Ø

Discharges of Asafoetida are offensive. Reverse peristalsis. Deficient milk. Extreme sensitiveness. Bone diseases. Flatulence. Hypersensitiveness. Hysteria. Spasmodic tightness of chest.

BM 229

Help support to relieve the symptoms of hyperacidity Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Argentum nit D10+100C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Bryonia alb

Boldo Ø

Congestion of liver. Burning weight in liver and stomach. Painful hepatic diseases.

Caladium Seguinum Ø

Craving for tobacco. Dread for motion. Dryness of parts. Itching of the vagina. Pruritis vulvae. Spermatorrhea. Tobacco heart. Impotency. Spermatorrhea.

Calotropis Gigantea Ø

Increases the circulation in the skin; has powerful effects as a sudorific. In the secondary symptoms of syphilis, where Mercury

Crocus Sativus Ø

Hemorrhage, blood is black, stringy and clotting. Sensation as if something living were jumping about in the stomach. Feels as

Cubeba Officinalis Ø

Frequent urination of nervous origin. Burning, rawness is felt in the throat in stomach, abdomen, rectum, urethra, forse navicularis. Orchitis.

Cydonia Vulgaris Ø

Supposed to be of use to strengthen the sexual organs and stomach.

Digitalis Purpurea Ø

Heart remedy. Weakness and dilation of the myocardium. Auricular fibrillation. Hypertrophy of the liver. Great weakness. Anxious about future. Tenderness