Showing all 6 results

BM 227

Help support to relieve the symptoms of gingivitis Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Acid nit D7+70C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Belladonna D7+70C

BM 237

Help support to relieve the symptoms of inflammed and painful tonsils Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Belladona D7+70C 0.10mL each (HPUS),

BM 249

Help support to relieve the symptoms of foul breath Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Cinnamomum Ø 0.20mL each (HPUS), Foeniculum vulg

BM 55

DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041880828 Composition: Daphne IndicaD30+60C, Natrum PhosD16+100C, Silica MarinaD6+100C, Tabacum30C+70C Specific Indication: Craving for tobacco, anxiety, general weariness

BM 64

DRAP Product.Enl No. 00411000342 Composition: ChloremphenicolD200+200C, HypophysisD200+200C, Lobelia ErenusD30+100C, StreptomycinD200+200C, UreaD200+200C Specific Indication: Chronic renal failure is triggered by disease

NP 28

Help support to relieve the symptoms of gums and dental disorder Active ingredients (Ref. standards): Chamomilla 50C 0.0002mg (HPUS), Kali