DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041880829
EuphorbiumD10+100C, HydrastisD2+20C, Kali BichD1+10C, Kali IodD10+100C,
Mercurius SolD25+100C, OscillococcinumD50+200C, Prunus VirgD5+50C
Specific Indication:
Sinusitis, headache in the morning, inflammation of the frontal sinuses, infection in
the maxillary sinuses, swelling of he eyelids and tissues around the eyes, loss of
smell, stuffy nose, tiredness, rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis are the most important
indications of this compositum.
General Indication:
Sinusitis is caused by anything that irritates the lining of the nose over long time period and causes the mucous
membrane to swell. The most common sinusitis causes are grass and tree pollen, cold air, alcohol, perfumed,
damp weather, allergy to house dust, mite mould and fungi and snorting. People who have allergy based asthma
often have sinusitis attacks. Infact, any problem with the nose that blocks the drainage holes can produce
sinusitis. This can include polyps, deviated nasal septum, tooth and gum infections, swimming, air pollution and
smoking. Some of the important symptoms of sinusitis are frontal sinusitis, it causes pain above the eyebrows
and the forehead may be tender to touch. Maxillary sinusitis causes aching in the upper jaw, teeth and cheeks.
Inflammation of the sphenoid sinusitis can cause earache, neck pain or an ache behind the ears or temples. Stuffy nose, thick yellow or green discharge from the nostrils, cold symptoms, foul smell in the nose, temperature,
weakness, tiredness, loss of taste and sense of smell and sometimes cough that produces mucous. Acute sinusitis
is much more common in the people and it is usually bacterial in origin. In most of the acute sinusitis cases which
starts with common cold are caused by a virus. These viral colds do not cause symptoms of sinusitis but they do
inflame sinuses.
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