DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041830231
CimicifugaD6+60C, DroseraD6+60C, Formica RufaD6+60C, FuligoD6+60C, Inula
HelD6+60C, Kali MurD6+60C, Lapis AlbusD6+60C, SiliceaD6+60C
Specific Indication:
Fibroids (tumors or lumps) within the wall of the uterus. Heavy bleeding or painful
periods, bleeding between periods, fullness and pressure in the pelvic area,
polyuria, pain during coitus, lower back pain, reproductive problems such as
infertility and miscarriage.
General Indication:
No one knows surely the actual causes of fibroids. Researchers have some theories
but most likely fibroids are the result of many factors interacting with each other.
These factors could be hormonal, running in families, environmental or a combination of all these because no one
knows what the actual cause is. Even we do not know what causes them to grow or shrink. Fibroids are always
almost begin and they rarely turn into cancer. Fibroids are named depending upon where they lie. Out of all
fibroids subucous fibroids are the least common (5% of all fibroids), they disturb the shape of the uterus and this
one is the type most likely to cause fertility problem. Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms but some women
with fibroids can have heavy bleeding between periods, feeling of fullness in the pelvic area, increased urination,
pain during sexual intercourse, lower back pain, reproductive problems such as infertility and miscarriage.
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