DRAP Product.Enl No. 00411000343
OrchitinumD20+100C, Testis BovisD20+100C, HeloniasD1+10C, Agnus CastD1+10C,
DamianaD1+10C, China OffD1+10C,RatanhiaD1+10C
Specific Indication:
Male infertility because of abnormal semen analysis. Male sterility may be
primary or secondary. Lack of production of spermatozoa or absence of
spermatozoa. Male sterility without any cause.
General Indication:
The World Health Organization has defined a normal semen analysis as a volume
greater than 2 ccís, sperm count greater than 20 million/cc., and 50% motility
with 30% normal appearance (morphology). Causes of low semen volume include
incomplete collection, repetitive ejaculations immediately prior to the semen
analysis, and neurologic conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
The cause of a low sperm count has not been well determined. Men with extremely low sperm counts (less than
1 million/cc.) may have small deletions in their Y-chromosome, particularly in the area DAZ gene. If there is a
genetic cause for markedly abnormal semen, ICSI could pass this condition onto male offspring, requiring ICSI in a
subsequent generation. Conventionally, a normal sperm count has been defined as greater than 20 million/cc. In
reality, many men between 10-20 million/cc. count have diminished fertility but are not absolutely infertile.
A man with a normal semen analysis, typically ejaculates at least 20 million motile sperm into the vagina. The vast
majority of these sperm never get into the cervix or upper reproductive tract. It has been estimated that several
hundred sperm advance to the fallopian tube where fertilization of the egg occurs. For that reason, low sperm
motility is a more significant predictor of infertility compared even to low sperm count. The causes of low sperm
motility are not well understood. Sperm is produce on a two to three month cycle. If a man had a febrile illness, it
is possible that he may have a transiently abnormal sperm production which reverts back to normal over time as
a new crop of sperm is created.
In clinical trials it has been noticed that BM Sterility (Male) Compositum is of assistance and helpful to manage
such cases, but it varies from case to case.
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