DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041880843
AnthraquinoneD200+200C, Carcinoma ColiD200+200C,
Polypus Recti NosodeD200+200C
Specific Indication:
The specific signs of the colon malignancy include a change in bowel habits or
blood in the stools, blood may be either bright red or very dark, unsatisfied bowel
evacuation, stools are narrower than usual, abdominal discomfort, weight loss,
tiredness and vomiting.
General Indication:
Colon malignancy has a good cure rate. The strongest risk factor is the age factor.
This disease is more likely developed in the men than women. There is increasing evidence that diet high in
calcium can reduce the risk of colorectal malignancy. Colon malignancy is a disease in which malignant cells form
in the tissue of the colon. The first six feet of the large intestine are called the large bowel or colon. Age and
health history can affect the risk of developing the colon malignancy. The major risk factors are age of 50 or
above, family history of the malignancy of the colon or rectum, history of polyps in the colon & history of
ulcerative colitis. The symptoms includes constipation, diarrhoea, unsatisfied bowel evacuation, dark blood in the
stool, stools are narrower than usual, bloated abdominal discomfort, pain in the abdomen or cramps, weight loss
with no known reason, constant tiredness and vomiting.
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