DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041880846
CamphorD20+200C, ThujaD10+100C, PulsatillaD10+100C, Kali BromD10+100C,
SymphytumD10+100C, PhosphorusD10+100C, HeloniasD10+ 100C
Specific Indication:
Marrow system compositum is beneficial in various illments of the marrow
system of the human body.
General Indication:
BM marrow compositum is found helpful in the disease of blood and nerves as
well as the marrow system of the human body. Experiments carried in anaemia,
leukemia, chlorosis and bleeding from orifices and also in hysteria, fits and
similar diseases. Diseases of the spinal cord especially involving marrow seems to
be beneficial by the use of BM marrow system compositum. This marrow system compositum keeps heating in its
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