DRAP Product.Enl No. 0041830232
CamphorD10+100C, ThujaD6+60C, LycopodiumD6+60C, Kali BromD6+60C,
Baryta CrabD6+60C, PhosphorusD6+60C,HeloniasD3+30C
Specific Indication:
The male reproductive cell is the sperm. Its reproduction occurs continuously
throughout man,s life into old age. BM sperm system compositum is beneficial
mostly in all symptoms and complaints of the human body such as sterility,
impotence, venereal diseases etc.
General Indication:
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules in the testis. They start of as
germ cells and pass through many stages of change including a striking change in
shape from a round cell to the familiar (tadpole) sperm structure. Mature sperms are highly specialized cells.
Because of a long time it takes for sperm to develop, any treatment may take 60 to 70 days before its effect on
sperm production is seen. BM sperm system compositum is clinically experienced beneficial for the complains of
sterility, impotence, venereal diseases, diabetes and such like diseases.
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