The common names of the Ipecacuanha are Ipecac and
Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. This plant is found in most parts of South
America, Brazil, and India. It was proved and introduced by
Hahnemann himself in 1805. The mother tincture is prepared from the
dried root and dilution from it.
Ipecac has been known for more than a century but the
administration of the drug by mouth has been limited by its action as an
emetic on the basic of the extensive experience of the reputed
physicians. Ipecac is a valuable remedy in cases of humid asthma,
asthmatic bronchitis with wheezing cough, with profuse expectoration
of mucous, whooping cough, cholera, haemorrhages that are bright red
and profuse.
It is also of service in some cases of dysentery. An American
authour states that its emetic properties are made use of in children
having been poisoned. It induces vomiting effectively replacing a
stomach pump.
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