The phosphorus is a colourless, pale yellow or transparent
substance having waxy lustre and its consistency is at ordinary
temperature. This remedy was proved and introduced by Samuel
Hahnemann and later, by Brandt and Alchemist. Some work was also
done by Kunkel. The Homoeopathic mother tincture is prepared from
the saturated solution 1/667 and dilution from it.
Phosphorus is useful remedy in Atrophy of the liver and sub
acute hepatitis. It is also useful in fatty degenerations, cirrhosis, caries
and muscular pseudo, hypertrophy, osteomyelites, cataract and bone
fragility. This remedy should not be given in very low dilutions,
specially in tuberculos cases, the mother tincture Ø+4x is
recommended but not in too frequent doses.
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