Showing all 12 results

Arnica (Ointment)

Help support to relieve the pains/aches (joint, muscles and stiffness) Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Camphora 8X 4mL (HPUS), Cinnamomum 1X

Baby Nacea (Nappy Rash Cream)

Help support to relieve the symptoms of diaper rashes and keep the skin moisturized Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Aloe vera

Befolium (Acne Clear Cream)

Help support to work as acne defense Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Berberis aquifolium 7X 0.085mL (HPUS), Calcaria sulph 8X 0.057gm

Calendula (Ointment)

Help support to relieve the symptoms of skin ailments Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Aloe vera Ø 0.002gm (HPUS), Calendula Ø

Curcuma (Cream)

Help support for pleasing and attractive looking Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Curcuma longa 1X 0.086mL (EHPI), Echinacea 1X 0.057mL (HPUS),

Eczema (Ointment)

Help support to relieve the symptoms of eczema and associated complaints Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Calendula Ø 0.40gm (HPUS), Echinacea

Pimples Cure (Cream)

Help support to relieve the symptoms of acne and pimples Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Berberis aquifol Ø 0.93gm (HPUS), Hydrocotyle

Psoralia (Cream)

Help support for the care and removal of vitaligo (leucoderma) patches Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Berberis aquifolium 7X 0.12mL (HPUS),

Psoralia (Cream) (Copy)

Help support for the care and removal of vitaligo (leucoderma) patches Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Berberis aquifolium 7X 0.12mL (HPUS),

Rhus Tox (Ointment)

Help support to relieve the symptoms of joints pain and stiffness Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Arnica mont Ø 0.24gm (HPUS),

Stiva (Cream)

Help support to speed heals fungal like skin ailments on different body areas Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Allium sativum 4X

Visnaga (Ointment)

Help support to relieve inflamed, pustular, scaly and silvery plaques Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Ammi visnaga 3X 0.114mL (HPUS), Graphites